jumuk kimbap?
from: kimbob and ramyun
price: $6.31
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
listening to: built to spill
comments: on my way to work this morning, I saw these guys working on the street. I recognized my good friend Mike, so I pulled out my camera. he hadn't recognized me quite yet, so if you click the photo, you get to see what it looks like when you walk up to "strangers" and take their photo. 'specially the other guy. he has no idea who I am. hee hee. they were fixing a
broken fibre optic cable. tricky work. the food was pretty good, too. like kimbap run gently through a blender, then made into balls.
and stephane had:
comments: if you ever wonder how your food sees the world, click stephane's lunch. today we ended up at kimbob and ramyun, not our first choice, but
momo's was too busy... even at 1pm.
and SANngmi had:
dukboki and kimbap
comments: so I actually ended up eating everyone's lunches today. click to see me right after that incredible feat.
oh, and what's this?