what we need is lunch, to guide and protect us on

hainanese chicken laksa
from: cafe deelite
price: $9ish
rating: &&&&&/&&&&&
listening to: bob marley
comments: I took a miniweekend today, since I worked monday. erin and I used her magic free pass to go to the macmillian bloedel conservatory at queen elizabeth park. that place is awesome. if you're ever looking for something to do on a gross rainy day, go there. it's small, but you can sit on benches and hang with some crazy birds. we even had quite the conversation with this african grey.
and erin had:

hainanese chicken
comments: you may have noticed that all the pictures today have a similar tilt-shiftiness to them. the reason for that is that I wasn't carrying a camera today!! zoiks! true story. now, with my crappy cam on my new ipod, I don't need to carry a cam. and I will be playing with all the free camera apps I can get my hands on. this tiltshift one is my favourite so far. click to see a wiggly plant.
Labels: laksa
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