you can lunch me just about anywhere

monte christo (daily special)
from: Deacon's Corner
price: $11
rating: &&&&.4/&&&&&
listening to: the cars
comments: the other day, I saw this blog post and it made me want to try to make wiggly versions of unwarped flowers. of course. the tools were a bit too technical for me, but russ helped me out of the rut, and I got it working. it makes for interesting wigglies. click my lunch to see this flower unwarped.
and erin had:

sausage and biscuits
comments: so I took A LOT of wigglies today. many many pictures of round things to unwarp. click erin's lunch to see this light unwarped. here's more unwraps: another flower, and another flower, and my coffee. I still got more photos to work with. I'll post 'em if they work well.
and bill had:

veggie mexi scramble
comments: click bill's lunch to hail him completely. yeah. unwarping people is wierd. here's how it looked unwarped. now, I wonder if the portrait pics I took of erin and bill will unwarp very well...
Labels: sandwich and fries and salad
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