you know the one... Dr. Everythinggonnabealright
3 items - sweet and sour chicken, pork ball & snow peas
from: Yi Kou Xiang Foods
price: $4.82
rating: &&&&.5/&&&&&
listening to while eating: Prince - Let's go crazy (also Hey Ya and Orinoco Flow)
comments: this meal really hit the spot today. yum-city! that pork ball is sooooo good. and I had half rice / half noodles. it's still a heckuvalottafood. and the secret link is my newest online photo gallery. this gallery will celebrate 16th avenue in all its greatness. enjoy.
and Ali had (note: all HIS words):
9A: Szechuan chicken?
from: Hong Kong Chinese (aka HKC)
price: $4.82 (tip the change you bastard) -> 5$ even
rating: &&&&&/&&&&&
comments: If you are starving, Hong Kong Chinese is the place to eat. Providing more food than you can eat without having to take a afternoon nap. I have not yet weighed the food, but my arm is sore by the time I get back to webct. They give you rice and noodles, so one day you could just eat the rice, the other just the noodles. Two dishes in one!
HKC (aka: Instant Chinese) is my personal favourite, and I agree that you should always tip the change (funny that Ali used the same words I would use to politely recommend this).
One thing that can't be overlooked about Instant Chinese, is that they actually prepare and cook your food after you order it (many of the base ingredients are pre-cooked, but it's all stir-fried when you order). This is a definite plus, and somehow they still manage to provide super fast service.
Haha Fishboy looks too healthy looking to be what you may wanna dipict. Also, the way his nose is pushed up just shows how it is far from the real.... Mwhahahhahha still, your mom may be scared if she sees it.
I had a stir fry the other day from the place besides the HKC (happy home cuisine?) and it was pretty good. The chicken tasted like chicken (how do they shred it like that though?) and the rest was alright, again a crapload of food though. The little blue curtain to the kitchen is a little suspect... what's going on back there that I shouldn't see?...
people shredding the chicken BY HAND and then taking a nap in it. for extra chicken flavour.
extra chicken flavour!!!
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