goodbye vivian dracula, hello bicycle?

from: ichibankan
price: $9.75
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
comments: this weekend marked the end of an era. Vivian Dracula has been scrapped. no more will she and I dart through traffic, listen to the rustle of the plastic bag window, or make the engine scream searching for the next gear. godspeed, vivian dracula, you were a great great car. click to see the last known photograph of her. even the city of vancouver mourns her passing. or so I figure. searching though the news, I could see no other reason the flag was at half mast.
and tommy had:

a delicious looking sandwich
comments: click tommy's sandwich to see why you should avoid broadway and cambie during the day. as I walked along broadway, I watch all those polluters and think what can I do about it? I can spend the $100 the BC government just gave me on gas. I can find another sweet old classic to rip up the roads in. but since I am now a part of the scrap-it program I need to decide which bike to get. a Ronin, or an infinity, or maybe the copenhagen?
Labels: sushi
I vote for Infinity because the white is a rad colour. The Ronin will make you uncomfortable, and the Copenhagen is brown like doo.
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