soaking up the thirst of the land

jerk chicken roti
from: Cameo
price: $7ish (actually, it was free cuz tommy said he owed me moneys.)
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
listening to: ween
comments: a rather sad day at work today, as a handful of coworkers were laid off. and it wasn't me. I'm not sure if it's just jealousy or sadness I feel. either way, good luck to you guys. click my jerk roti to see our building breathe. I don't like when a new sign goes up there, cuz those dudes leave their gear on top of the escape hatch. jerks.
and I drank:

comments: click the ting to see our posse returning from lunch all reservoir dogs like. but wigglier.
and phil had:

cajun burger
comments: click phils lunch to see a not-so-great wiggly gif of a Tiger I saw walking home.
Labels: jerk chicken
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