move over little dog, the big ol dog is movin in

sushi combo with miso
from: Sushi Boy
price: $6
rating: &&&.5/&&&&&
listening to: george thoroughgood
comments: cheap sushi. doesn't taste bad, just not all that amazing. click to see a wiggly from the roof. there's a coke ad on our building, and it has a ladder leading down to the straw. just a prop ladder, methinks, but maybe if I climb down it I can drink from the straw picture.. hm..
and remick had:

food form home
comments: click remick's lunch to see a gull and city hall.
and sumant had:

a big salad
comments: be careful here. you might not want to click sumant's salad. if you do, you will see what the salad is lacking. but I warned you.
Labels: sushi
I have no faith in miso soup. And you caught perfectly what it is that sets me off: Its volatile and untrustworthy way of not reaching harmony!!
It's like a lava lamp.
is that another mystery foot?
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