bum like you

mixed veg & yogurt
from: the 'point
price: $5.95 (mischarged)
rating: &&&/&&&&&
listening to: robyn
more changes at the village! holy craps that place just doesn't quit with the innovations. there's a new girl working at curry point, and 1 meat 1 veg combos now cost $5.95 after tax. and there's a new joint opening! after two+ years sitting fallow, they've started work on whatever's replacing the varsity snack bar. click pic to see the goings ons behind the scenes. konichiwa bitches!
Cool! Keep us updated on the developments!
ooh! i hope they bring back vietnamese subs!
best signoff ever.
not just a signoff... it's also a Robyn song. rather interesting moosac, I say.
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