
(ginger beef + broccoli + beans) / rice
from: yi kou xiang
price: $5
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
listening to: the game
power's back on! but university blvd is still out of order, which means the park is quiet, and perfect for lunch. food was good, 'though it cooled off pretty quick. and chopsticks are hard to operate once your hands get frozen. but those are out of the control of the food preparators, so I won't dock any points on the rating.
this weather reminds me of the 'fax, snow + cold + sun = nice instead of the vancouver usual snow + rain = slush. pick the click to see a seagull swimming in the snow like it ain't no thang.
that seagull pic is the bomb, yo.
but the food.. hmm... needs something... needs f64!!!
oh hey! there's been over 10000 visitors here. I forgot to watch the counter to see who was #10,000. oh well.
true, I left the f64 offcampus today as I didn't have the energy to haul attached d1 and associated accessories to school.
haligfax ain't got no snow
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