dream up dream up let me fill your cup

hungryman sub (1 pound!)
from: 7-11
price: $6.69+the tax
rating: &&&/&&&&&
listening to: Neil Young
comments: yet another sunday lunch. today I stopped at 7-11 on the way in and picked up this 1 pound sandwich. actually, it's more than a pound. and very nutritious! just click on the pic and see for yourself. yup. over 100% of some nutrients! fat is a nutrient, right?
Please post a followup on the lunch. Specifically, did you stink the rest of the day with salami burps and meat sweats? Enquiring minds want to know...
wow. followups? that's asking a lot.
I guess you're pretty new to this blog... and there's something you should know about it....
ok, with that out of the way, I'll give you your follow up...
nope, there were no stinky salami burps the rest of the day. I just stunk with my normal aroma.
The most frightening nutrition label I've ever seen... ;)
I think it's over 6bucks so you know that you bought it. so you can't run back to 7-11 and say, "you guys gave me a heart attack!!" cuz they'd be all like, "uh.. no, sir. you bought that heartattack. remember? you're $7 poorer now?"
and yeah, I guess it's a little frightening for you, jason. perhaps this is what you need to help fight that 'vegetarian' problem that you have.
How enlightening to see you actually saw the nutritional information on food! It is scary discovery, but I was more scared when one of my friends who regularly eats sausages told me that if you leave them in the fridge long they actually turn their colour into grey. ween
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