it's been a long time since the book of lunch

chimichanga and quesadilla combo
from: la casita
price: $17
rating: &&&&.5/&&&&&
listening to: zep
comments: today I really wanted to go to la casita, cuz it's across from london drugs where they just may have had the new nikon D7000 in stock. spoiler alert... they did have it. now I have it. it'll be a few days before you see pics from it, but it's really awesome. so... be stoked. click to see a shark, a richerd, and a cow.
and bill had:

the veggie daily special
comments: today we had a big release at work. now even more people can pay us for our software if they want. yay, money! click to see our celebratory fireworks being launched outside of the office.
and richerd had:

the same as bill, but blurrier
comments: click richerd's blur to see the crazy fruit that richerd had at work. it's a horned melon. doesn't really taste like much. the flavour was probably best described as a citrussy cucumber. odd.
Labels: mexican food
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