you've got so much lunch

#56 and a lychee blended drink
from: PhoLe
price: $12?
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
listening to: said the whale
comments: yeah, phole for lunch. no ritchie, though. hopefully he'll return to vancouver someday. in the meantime, you can see some of the awesome photos he's taking on his travels. me jealous. oh, so now click on my lunch. that's the CB on gavin's desk. it's awesome. it has a dynamike dial!
and bill had:

comments: next to our office, they are filming some show called life unexpected. bill was very amused by the air conditioning tubes they ran into the building. he thought it was all very e.t like. for me, it was reminiscent of the summer I spent working for my cousin's temporary air conditioning business. in fact, that truck contains one of his units. yay Cool Air!
Labels: vietnamese food
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