we'll be forever lunching jah

seafood pancake
from: H-mart
price: $10ish
rating: &&&&.5/&&&&&
listening to: bob marley
comments: holiday monday. that doesn't mean much to me anymore. but to erin, it meant her first two day weekend since she started her new job. huzzah! we ate a giant meal at H-Mart. H-Mart rules. such good food. and while we ate, we watched the police write a ticket. click to see that.
and erin had:

spicy cold noodles
comments: click erin's lunch to see a guy juggling at the powell street festival on sunday. this guy did an amzing trick where he caught 1 of the 4 balls on his foot, and flicked it up behind his head where it joined the other 3. unfortunately, my camera's 'burst' mode only lasts 1 second, but this fancy move was more like 3 seconds. so it just looks like normal juggling.
and we shared:

some dumplings
comments: click the dumplings for another pic from the powell street festival. cute stuffies from a kids book.
Labels: korean food
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