my lunch is a life taker

beef and rice meal
from: Afro Canadian Restaurant
price: $9
rating: &&&&.4/&&&&&
listening to: weezer
comments: delicious afro for lunch. good stuff, as usual. click to see some clothing store? that seems to be named after some lyrics in a Tricky song. if it's not a clothing store, it's at least a brand of jeans. odd. and yeah, I guess tricky didn't invent those words. in fact, upon investigating, another band had that song title in 1994. but still... it put that tricky song in my head all day.
and bill had:

a taste of africa
comments: this veggie dish is the best for variety. too bad I like meat in my lunch so much. click to see the awesome parking stickers on gavin's jeep. if you don't get it, you're not enough of a nerd.
Labels: afro
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