This blog contains 0 carbs!!

my lunch. in photos. and stuff like that.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

that's right I got a flaw. so what. so what.

meat lovin pizza
from: p.hut
price: treat from company (lots of these lately, huh :)
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
comments: we did some big release at work today, and were bribed with pizza to not leave during the lunchtime. food bribes almost always work on me. now click my lunch to see a very edumactional video that the artist formerly (and still) known as mark henderson sent me. nice one, mark, you have improved my american historical knowledge vastly.

and dave had:

well, the same pizza, of course.
comments: click dave's pizza to see Nikita, office dog. I had to use a flash to get a pic of her, cuz she never stops moving. and since the holiday season is coming, I think it's about time to order some lobster from Sears. yeah, you read that right.



Blogger iTripped said...

dude - that video does not support the iPod touch! Clearly it is fake.

November 24, 2007 6:04 PM  

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