listen to the wind blow, watch the sun rise

steak n cheese sub
from: subway
price: $9ish
rating: &&&.5/&&&&&
listening to:
comments: subway. eat french. er... fresh. click the pic to see a sweet 4-framer-gif. aw yeah. it was taken from a boat I was riding up quebec street.
and dave had:

a sub
comments: click dave's sub to see yet another office dog. Nikita. Nakita. not sure how to spell. it ryhmes with Makita, though. like the tools. its very hard to get a good pic of her in the office without a flash. she's fast. and rarely stops moving. and she's a chocolate lab!
Labels: sub
I love dogs, especially labs.
Btw, for those in Vancouver, the east side culture crawl is on this weekend. MORE INFO. If you go on Sunday, you might see a familiar face (some tall person) if you happen to swing by the info booth at the Strathcona Community Centre from Sunday 11am-2pm ish.
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