like a preacher stealin hearts at a travelin show

a mile high club sandwich
from: the Whip
price: free - company treated!
rating: &&&&.5/&&&&&
listening to: U2
comments: yay! company lunch at the whip with beers a flowing. good times. good food. even though I have boycotted the whip in the past for an incident where they forced us to order food cuz they couldn't sell beer without it. lame. usually, just a menu on the table is enough? but no. anyway, this time was good. the food was good the beer was good the people all there celebrating our random work releases were good. yay. good. click to see vivian dracula in action.
and andy, loong or jack had:

the brewmaster sandwich
comments: ok, I forget who's lunch this was already. guess the beer was flowing pretty good, indeed. click to see the funniest video I saw on friday. very funny. if you want to hear the whole 911 conversation, it's in the related videos, and well worth the listen. hahaha. stupid cops. bad boys bad boys, what you gonna do? give the cops brownies when they come for you.
Labels: sandwich n beer
First time visitor to your blog and from millions of miles away, I am totally inspired by it.
wow. inspired? I've been called a lot of things, but generally not 'inspirational'. thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it!
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