but without your lunch, I won't make it through

fish n chips
from: shangrila lobby lounge
price: $20 for whole lunch
rating: &&&&&/&&&&&
listening to: the clash
comments: today we went to shangrila so erin could make us lunch. probably the last time I do that. she'll be moving to a new restaurant soon. which is actually walking distance form the office. yay. click to see more of the fancy tasty morsels she made for us.
and nicole had:

the chicken pasta
comments: this was nicole's first time to eat at the lobby lounge. I think she enjoyed it. click to see her and brenda hula hooping after lunch.
and brenda had:

the market burger
comments: brenda was in town from france. so she joined us to taste erin's cooking. she even brought this little guy who's been photographed in france and belgium before. but click her lunch to see her hula hooping in front of the Market sign. and in front of erin. can you see here there?
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