that ain't nothin' but drugstore lunchin'

salmon and avocado salad sandwich
from: deacon's corner
price: $10ish
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
listening to: the black crowes
comments: today was awful windy. I like it. on my way home, I wandered up onto my favourite rooftop carpark to check out the view. and it seems they're building stuff all over this rooftop. not sure what. kinda looks like planter boxes. click my pic to see.
and bill had:

a veggie burger. what else??
comments: did you all know that they're taking the roof off bc place tomorrow? so the linked pic is the last full day of this roof. 11am on tuesday it comes down. if you got a vantage point, check it out. I can't seem to find any webcams that show it :(
Labels: sandwich and fries
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