stone, stone, stone, in lunch with you

reuben and a milkshake
from: acme cafe
price: $14ish
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
listening to: primal scream
comments: tried a new place today. the acme cafe on hastings. it's a pretty funky place with some decent food. took forever to get in and get a seat, though. not a lot of seating in there. also not very cheap. but the food was quality food. and the milkshake pretty tasty. this morning google maps told me there was new google earth features included. so I explored a bit. click to see that giant launch ramp in front of science world. man, I love hitting that jump. yeeeeee haw!
and erin had:

reuben with soup
comments: this place is known for its pies, I think. so erin and bill et some pies. click to see the strawberry rhubarb.
and ritchie had:

chicken pot pie!
comments: this chicken pot pie looked really good. when ritchie cracked it open, he found it wasn't a complete lie. no crust on the bottom, just as a lid. still looked pretty good, though. now click to see bill patiently awaiting his food photo.
Labels: sandwich
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