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Sunday, March 21, 2010

terribly sad news.

Little Miss Minion ~ 1995-2010.
I got a call today from a distraught laura informing me that Minion was hit by a car outside her home in edmonton. my condolences to scott and laura. minion was an awesome cat. she was much loved by her family and friends. hemi and I were very fortunate to have her as a house guest last month, and are sad that there will be no more visits. minion was about 6 years old when she first crossed the balcony railing into my apartment. that was 9 years ago now. We'll miss you, Minion.



Blogger iTripped said...

My condolances dude. That always sucks.

March 23, 2010 11:36 AM  
Anonymous riggs said...

Very sad day for me, Minion, even though I was a jerk to you in the past. I secretly always thought you were great.

March 23, 2010 10:12 PM  
Anonymous Laura said...

Thanks for posting something about Minion. I have looked at it many times. I still haven't accepted that she is gone... maybe with time.

March 25, 2010 2:08 PM  

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