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my lunch. in photos. and stuff like that.

Monday, February 15, 2010

such a lunchly place, such a lunchly face

greg mcmuffin
from: home
price: n/a
rating: &&&&.5/&&&&&
listening to: the eagles
comments: more olympic talk. on the weekend, I won this contest where the globe and mail is giving away olympic tickets. the tickets were for a medals ceremony thingy. it was pretty neat. although, I left shortly after nelly furtado started her set. the thing that blows my mind is that we've had large stadium concerts for decades now. but we still haven't figured out how to make it not sound like crap, you know? it's crazy. click my lunch to see the dude who also won some tickets in this contest. if you look in the background, on the left, you will see the people who were in charge of giving out these tickets.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well... that's very interessting but honestly i have a hard time understanding it... wonder what others have to say..

March 09, 2010 6:42 PM  

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