and if you don't lunch me now, you will never lunch me again

spicy beefy noodley
from: Cuu Long (knight & kingsway
price: $10ish with an avocado shake
rating: &&&&.4/&&&&&
listening to: fleetwood mac
comments: hey ritchie had to drive to mec today, so he picked me up and we went for delicious avocado shakes. good times. great food. click to see science world sporting its new snowy look today!
and hey ritchie had:

grilled pork n spring rolls
comments: click ritchie's lunch to see the vancity building this evening. this daylight savings sure has made the sun stay out longer. nice. is it just me, or are those giffed-clouds all rainbowy?
and meanwhile, in washington DC, kevin had:

a spy's breakfast
comments: kevin took a break from his work in houston to visit DC. seems far to go for a weekend jaunt. but I guess he wanted the spy breakfast real bad. click to see puffy clouds being puffy.
Labels: vietnamese food
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