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my lunch. in photos. and stuff like that.

Friday, November 07, 2008

buncha food
from: Swiss Bakery
price: about $8
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
listening to:
comments: I didn't even eat all this food. I forgot the little sandwich in the work fridge. :( oh well. click to see a mushroom. go on, I'm sure you wanna see a mushroom.

and dave had:

some chinese food
comments: dave and tommy went to Kam's Chinese to get lunch. I never been there other than for the baked goods. they said it was good. I'll have to try it sometime. click to see an interesting head in a tree.

and tommy had:

salty fish n chicken fried rice
comments: click tommy's rice (he said it was very good), to see the same head, after running it through to HDR treatments. it's not really the HDR-ness that is interesting. it's more the way the hdr program tried to line up my unaligned photos, then I made a wiggly of that. it might hurt your brain to look at.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like the screaming cat. It's as if it just can't handle the wiggly!

November 11, 2008 8:03 AM  

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