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my lunch. in photos. and stuff like that.

Monday, October 27, 2008

it takes more than your token

vietnamese subs
from: Bale
price: $8.25 (pour trois)
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
listening to: still the same
comments: on the weekend, I helped move the foosball table into the new foosball room. very exciting. can't wait to start playing it. click to see it. or you can click here to see the two dogs we had in the office today. they weren't very interested in each other. nope nope nope.

and hey ritchie had:

the same, pretty much
comments: we opted for the top-of-the-parkade lunch today. nice day for it. and I took more wigglies than I know what to do with. like these fall coloured trees or this giant strafing giraffe or this panoramama. or you can just click the pic to see where hey ritchie's office is.



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