in these days of evil presidentes

yam fry poutine
from: Argo's
price: $9 (with the chicken... only 6 without).
rating: &&.5/&&&&&
listening to: the clash
comments: this should be my last post without internet. there's internets at my house now (uh... er... 'tomorrow' - since I'm blogging from the future.. or is it the past. too confused). w00t. click to see main street this morn.
and Teo and Dave both had:

clubhouseseses avec les frites
comments: click to see wiggly + tilt shift. fun!
and travis had:

a huge lack of focus
comments: hey ritchie recently directed me to this blog. it's pretty interesting reading, and tonight, I took a couple photos through the windows of the V6A presentation centre. heh. click travis's blur to see a wiggly of what's left. ok, there's more left in another room. but this room made me laugh.
Labels: poutine
Wtf? How were they hoping to fit the building depicted by that model onto that site?
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