I'm going to New York City, and that's in New York, friend.

angus burger
from: McDees
price: $8ish for combo
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
listening to: Modest Mouse
comments: guess what was today? The National, Modest Mouse and REM at Deer Lake Park. pretty cool. of course, REM played too long and MM not long enough, but you can't win em all. I guess REM has a new album out, cuz I didn't know more than half the songs. click to see MM rocking out 2 frames.
and tony had:

samwich from Argo's
comments: click tony's lunch to see REM, complete with michael stipe's judo chop! and if those are too wiggly for you, you can see still pics of isaak brock and michael stipe too. and if you need mooore wiggly, have a look at otis blinkin. if you want to see more from the concert, I got a couple short video clips that I'll try to post soon. but for now, you can check youtube for other peeps' vids
Labels: burger fries and shake
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