are you still listening?

half a reuben and half a philly cheesesteak panini
from: the butler did it
price: $3 (andy had a coupon)
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
listening to: crosby still & nash
comments: the food was good, but not really filling. last weekend, I explored a bit of Richmond. weird, huh? well, the linked photo is from Finn Slough, a cool little fishing village out at the end of number 4/5 roads.
and andy had:

the other halves
comments: click andy's sandwiches to see one of the houses at finn slough. we didn't get a lot of pics, cuz we were just doing drive by shootings.
and meanwhile, in Washington DC, Jason had:

comments: jason offered some pics of his lunch and the crazy korean food cart he got it from. crazy jason.
Labels: sandwich
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