hey a pig is an animal with dirt on his face

vietnamese sandwiches
from: Balle
price: $2.75 each
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
listening to: sinatra
comments: eventful weekend last weekend. we went to visit the the weeks' house where we got to hang with lil sophie. and the next day was the camera swap meet, where I got a sweet f1.8 lens. this will change nothing on this blog. except there will be MORE wiggly gifs and sharper focus and much shorter depths of field.
and tommy had:

a wrap
comments: I think I commented enough above.
Labels: vietnamese subs
looks like tommy is trying to remove the wrap unsuccessfully from your lens.
sinatra? is that like pantera?
pretty much the same music. it's a bit heavier than pantera, though. cuz pantera is all about pants.
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