eggs and sausage and a side of toast

sushi (mango mango roll)
from: Sushi yama
price: I forget.
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
listening to: Tom Waits
comments: I met ron for lunch today. we ate sushi. true story. click to see the sweet 'vette I saw on the way back.
and ron had:

comments: click ron's lunch to see the custom menu he made whilst dinging.
and we also both had:

negitoro rolls
comments: click this last pic to see how we paid for our meal. and of course, I know you want to see one more wiggly gif
Labels: sushi
i'm back at ubc and had... LUNCH AT THE VILLAGE!!! my home cuisine baby!! spicy chicken, spinach and ginger beef on noodles w/ an a&w rootbeer. $6.75 and taaaasty!
you chose my home cuisine, huh? they're still there? sad that there's no hong kong chinese anymore. I miss saltedfishnchickenfriedricespicytogo.
thought i saw a sign for hkchinese on the entry door still. my home cuisine girl recognized me and asked where i'd been so i ate there. still a very depressing place down there. no sign of natural light. no connection w/ reality. i felt a bit sad.
how much for the milkshake?
good to see my blurry photos are being used for something.
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