do you ever ask yourself how it could. have. may. be. been?

ginger porks
from: Koya at Tinseltown food court
price: 5.58 + tax (added moneys for noodles)
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
listening to: grandaddy
comments: totally trekked to tinseltown today. <--that's all the alliteration i can manage. click to see the north side of some trees.
and ron had:

sushi from the clubhouse
comments: click ron's lunch to see false creek all wiggly.
and noel had:

this sandwich
comments: I'm posting a 3rd lunch today cuz it's my blog and there's no rules. also, this is pretty much the sandwich that dave drew yesterday. see? didn't I tell you it was amazingly accurate? click noel's lunch to see noel's dawg. I bet she didn't get a sandwich this good for lunch. oh well... at least she got to hear some Skynyrd.
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