and it go, don't it go go go?

from: ichibankan
price: $9
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
listening to: Camaro by Kings of Leon
comments: today I left work early today. this is because the power in the building's area went out. interesting. I went to get my sushi, came back... no power. so I came home and ate with Hemi. click the sushi to see the Hydro guys trying to find the source of the problem. we asked them where it was, they said they had no idea. they seemed to stop at this part of the alley, but I didn't notice anything special about those power lines.
and Hemi had:

comments: the power outage also affected the traffic lights. see the linked pic? no greens, no reds, just a camaro.
Labels: sushi
oh yeah, I forgot to mention that this blog now contains a complete 3 years of my lunch. happy birthday blog!
FiSHBoY - HFCS 55 says (2:21 PM):
greggle rock
Dr. Greg Williams, Robotanist says (2:21 PM):
FiSHBoY - HFCS 55 says (2:22 PM):
happy blogiversary
Dr. Greg Williams, Robotanist says (2:22 PM):
Dr. Greg Williams, Robotanist says (2:22 PM):
make comments.
Dr. Greg Williams, Robotanist says (2:22 PM):
make me happy.
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