oops, missed a post

capicolloiao sandwich?
from: swiss bakery
price: $6ish
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
comments: I forgot my camera at work today (monday) er... so I didn't post this on time. oh well, here it is. click to see your classic vancouver bonhomme de neige. snow snow snow RAIN! it's like paying duck duck goose here, man.
also had:

un bonroll de sausage
comments: click to see see why I figure I'm getting old. I just don't get it. I don't think these wheels make this car look good at all. in fact, I think it makes it look worse than most wheels do. is it just me? am I outa touch? should I get a set of whitewall tires? am I gonna cruice the miracle mile?!
Labels: sandwich
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