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my lunch. in photos. and stuff like that.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

bad up your betterness

combo 8 (spicy pork on rice w/ salad)
from: A1 vietnamese (and korean)
price: free
rating: &&&&&/&&&&&
listening to: the presets

park lunch! as such I was actually listening to crows and seagulls when I was eating, but now that I'm posting I'm listening to the presets. I hope that clears up the confusion you no doubt were experiencing. 'though a presets concert in the park would be pretty awesome, too.

lunch was almost free today because the shrubbery near webct was giving away 5 dollar bills. thanks shrubbery! I guess it would have been even more free if I'd just eaten the mushrooms for lunch, but then I likely wouldn't get any work done this afternoon.

and finally click the pic to see the best little car ever.

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Blogger g said...

little? like grumble?

December 12, 2006 1:16 PM  

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