worst. lunch. ever.
3 items; ginger beef, green beans with meat?, deepfried fish
from: My Home Cuisine
price: $5
rating: .5/&&&&&
comments: worst lunch ever. it was just horrible. the ginger beef? all I can say is where's the beef? iyiyi! i think it should have been called thinkly breaded flies in goopy sauce. and the beans were all shrively surrounded by some unknown meat-like bit congealed in more goo (see photo). and last but not least, the df fish. yuck. again, all breadedness, no fish. and soooo dry. I'm sad to say that I threw almost all of it out. I tried to eat.. but it was too hard. and I'll eat anything. now click the pic to see what saved me. jeff brought some delicious baked-tapioca-like dish from some restaurant where the dish must be pre-ordered. it was delicious.
and jenna had:
three items
from: My Home Cuisine
rating: low
comments: I didn't get a review from jenna. she did say that it was bad, though. she probably didn't hate it as much as me. cuz I really hated it. now click the pic to see some surveilance footage I got of rada sneaking off with some guy.
That first image frightens me.
I know. it's so bad that it looks like G adjusted the colours or something. But he wouldn't do that, right?
Oh, and I suggest forwarding the surveillance photo off to the KGB (wherever they are these days) as there is probably a reward for such highly sensitive info.
I just emailed the photo to kgb@kgb.ru
and no, I didn't mess with the colours in that one. it's THAT bad. sure, there's a little blue light radiating from my monitor. but taht just made it look a little less pasty and disgusting.
I e-mailed it to kgb@kgb.corn. :/
You are both such dutiful informants. Rada must be appalled.
(tell her I say 'hi')
we must think of the motherland before all else!
Hmm...you raise an interesting point, Ray. Perhaps G should embark on a journey of bad food to document here?
Worst places in the Village to eat.
It could work, so long as I don't have to participate.
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