sometimes I get impatient...

nabeyuki udon
from: Osaka Sushi
price: $5.75+tax
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
listening to: BB King - hummingbird.
comments: today I saw Viv standing at the sushi place waiting for her food. so I decided to copy her order. I'd never had it before. it was just like the soggy chicken udon except a)it also had tempura, b)it also had an egg and c) it cost about a buck more. overall, I liked it. more sogginess. mmmm.. and the egg reminded me of someone...
and jenna had:

eggplant, bitter melon with pork, and mixed veggie
from: My Home Cuisine
rating: &&&/&&&&&
comments: jenna wasn't very hungry, she said, so the food wasn't as good as it coulda been. she wanted to give it &&.5, but I told her that kinda means it was bad. whereas &&& means it met expectations without exceding. she said the bitter melon was not as good as when Jeff made it, and she also said, "but bitter melon with pork is supposed to be a good combination.. with maybe some black bean sauce."
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