like monkey, like son.
sushi special B - salmon roll, california roll and some prawn tempura roll with lettuce?? in it.
from: Osaka Sushi
price: $7.44
rating: &&&.7/&&&&&
listening to while eating: Bob Marley. this might go on for a while...
comments: usually, I have the Sushi Special A. today, I spent an extra dollar and got the "B". it is alright. pretty tasty, but in the future, I'd stick to the A. it's a better value, and just as tasty. it's weird having lettuce in a roll. it doesn't make it bad, it just feels like filler. but it makes it harder to pick up the roll.
and erin had:
cherries and little bananas.
from: Granville Island Market (at the Village, NOT granville island)
price: ~$7.
rating: &&&/&&&&&
comments: the cherries weren't quite as sweet as they could be, but they were pretty good. and one of the little bananas was really good. but when she bit into the other one, it was brown in the middle. where the seeds reside. jason told her to try it anyway. she did. then made a face. then spat it into the garbage. true story.
You should know by now not to follow my advice. ;)
I am wondering if I should save the cute photoes for me screen saver... sounds like I missed the fun part of the creation.
what i should've known was not to eat bananas when i'm nauseous! silly me. but they looked so good!
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