television man is crazy

from: La Fourchette
price: $8?
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
listening to: mott the hoople
comments: nice patio lunch today. nice, indeed. click to see what I should really try for lunch someday. wheee-ow!
and teo had:

cajun chicken spinach salad
comments: on the way to lunch today, we happened across a sidewalk sale of sorts. we made some great purchases. a remote control car for the helmet cam, a tissue box cover for tommy (see final frames of video below), and some flash wheels!. see the linked pic or the video below to see them in action.
Labels: sandwich and salad
nerd much?
dude. I've been taking photos of my lunch for over 3 years. the nerd part is a given.
jsut tyrign ot nelivne teh ocmmnet scetoin.
words cannot describe what just happened in this video.
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