someone in class called me a loser, so I decided to skip the day

butter chicken and zuccini curry
from: Curry Point
price: $5.87
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
listening to now: The Rheostatics
comments: good curry. never tried the zuccinniinnii before. it was good. not amazing. not sensational. perhaps great. but definitely good. but this is not important. what is important is the guest lunch.
and the moving truck had:

a fire hydrant
from: across the street
price: priceless
rating: &&&&&/&&&&&
comments: yeah. funny stuff today. moving truck mounts fire hydrant. find the secret links. there's a bunch of them. enjoy.
silly moving truck! you can't eat fire hydrants!!
weeeeeeeeeeen day what? yes I did not comment yesterday, because my brain ceased its function at 7 p.m. Will there be a new posting today? Man. Yo. Hey.
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