she don't know no luncher
pulled pork pancakes
from: the red wagon
price: $12ish?
rating: &&&&.8/&&&&&
listening to: the black crowes
comments: no deacon's this tuesday. crazy. there was a lunch n learn at work about databases. so eric and I drove east while the other learned. man, these ppp's are delicious. truly. now click to see a wiggly from the weekend rollerbladding session. jenna was enthralled with this wish-tree. at least that's what we figured it was.
and eric had:
pulled pork burger special
comments: driving back after lunch, I spotted what looked like free arcade machines. upon closer inspection, they looked pretty abused, and they weren't even video games. either way, I knew gavin would want them. haha. they were still too crappy to do much with, though. click to see em.
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