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my lunch. in photos. and stuff like that.

Monday, April 05, 2010

you know I lunch you so, baby please don't go

vietnamese subs
from: empress bakery
price: $2.75 each
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
listening to: them, featuring van morrison
comments: I got the 6:15 am ferry from saltspring this morning. a great easter weekend which also happened to be stu's birthday! I love that pic. check out the shirt he got for his birthday. and the way jughead's face lines up with the candle. funny. click my lunch to see a wiggly of Salt Spring Island's famous Saturday Market. this was the first of the year. I also made a gigapan from this vantage point. not the best pan I've made. the focus is a bit soft. oh well. I also tried to make one of my sister's yard. I found it's difficult to gigapan when kids are running everywhere.



Anonymous Bucket said...

Hey! That's my black mazda truck with the dog in it & someone in the passenger seat! I have no memory of being there AT ALL!

April 09, 2010 7:41 AM  

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