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my lunch. in photos. and stuff like that.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

come with me, my lunch, to the sea of lunch.

spaghetti carbonara
from: Argo's
price: free! (dave treated us)
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
listening to: Phil Phillips
comments: dave bought tommy and me lunch today to make us work harder. hee hee. thanks dave! click my lunch to see a guest wiggly. that's right... someone else animating their pics. ladies and gentlemen, mr. craig temple and the dance of the cormorants!

and dave had:

a club sandwich
comments: click dave's sandwich to see how beautiful the snow is looking these days. the bright side of that is that I can stop struggling with my boots everyday.

and tommy had:

the club, too
comments: click tommy's lunch to see a pic I took of the moon whilst I was on the roof today.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Flicker had a hicup when I clicked your first pic. I wonder why...
I saw a guy carrying Novaris backpack this morning on the seabus. So, I thought I should check your site. I wonder why...

January 09, 2009 1:59 PM  

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