all I want... is your lunch

burger n brew
from: the whip
price: over $20 with the beers
listening to: chris isaak
comments: this burger was extremely good. but it was also $14. oh well, it's new years eve. click to see the mountains looking all snowy n purty.
and dave had:

fish n chips
comments: click dave's awesome lunch there to see a major annoyance of mine. the linked pic is the fire escape on the ground floor of our office building. yeah... little cluttered there. stupid flower shop thinks that's their private storage room. aiyuh.
and phil had:

a burger n brew, too
comments:click phil's lunch to see him fine tuning his giant lazer eyes. pew pew pew!!
and travis had:

a chicken 'burger' n soup
comments: click travis' lunch to see him on the rooftop throwing snowballs. pew pew pew!! oh, and we had a record-breaking snowball thrower on the roof, too. despite all this dancing, neil managed to throw one right over the peak of the first roof. nice work, neil.
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