for your lunch, I'd give you everything and more and that's for sure

angus burger combo
from: McDonald's
price: $9.12
rating: &&&.5/&&&&&
listening to: the yardbirds
comments: they say cats want cheezburgers. but the way nikita stared at me, throughout my lunch, I'm thinking it's the goggies who want teh cheezburgers. click to see that happening. or, have a look at the drool. funny thing about that... if you take a photo of dog's drool, to make fun on them... they will simply sneak under your desk and get all that drool on your leg. you've been warned. wish I had.
and dave had:

a southwest burger from triple o's
comments: dave came up with this ingenious plan of filling the onion ring in his burger with ketchup. this let him dip his fries in the pool, then eat the ketchupified burger. and in other news, giant chunks of the Opsal Steel building has collapsed with the weight of all the snow. click dave's lunch to see that, in simulated action. of course this meant that when sumant and I went to the roof, and tried to throw snowballs into the hole. we were each fully successful once. here's proof that we hit the target. I know. I coulda photochopped that, but I didn't. it's the real deal. you can also see about 9 of our missed shots in this pic.
Labels: burger fries and shake
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