This blog contains 0 carbs!!

my lunch. in photos. and stuff like that.

Monday, January 05, 2009

but I did what I did before lunch came to town

club sandwich n soup
from: sweet basil cafe
price: $9.25
rating: &&&&.5/&&&&&
listening to: U2
comments: oh, do I have comments today, or what?!?! ok ok ok. everyone, listen up. I've been thinking about wigglies. who's with me out there? here's the deal, 2008 was clearly LATV's year of wigglies. what about '09?? should it be? have you had enough? I've heard a lot of people talking about how they can't stand the wigglies, and they prefer regular photos, or links to funny videos. well, now's your chance to act. if you want all the wigglies still, you just have to leave a comment to that effect. you can simply say "wigglies!" or "no more wigglies!". you can even be anonymous. if the no-wigglies side wins, I will cut down on the number of wigglies. of course, it's still my blog and there's no rules, but to celebrate the new year, I will listen. the comment section is open.

and travis had:

the very same as me
comments: click travis's lunch to see some awesome 'engrish' that was on the packaging for this item I bought from DX.

and phil had his with:

comments: click phil's lunch to see the crows flying to burnaby. yes. very blurry. you like that better than wiggly?? do ya?? tell me!!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

wiggle me

January 06, 2009 10:43 AM  
Blogger FiSHBoY said...

no more wigglies.

January 06, 2009 11:59 AM  
Blogger Russ Weeks said...


January 06, 2009 12:18 PM  
Blogger Temple said...

I like the wigglies, I like the regular pics. Some of each is good. Lots of wigglie pics of Cragg is great! As for Russ, what does he know, he's a breeder from the burbs!

January 06, 2009 12:20 PM  
Blogger Gunk said...

Don't lose the wigglies! Mix in some other stuff too, but I love the wigglies. They make ME wiggle.

January 06, 2009 12:49 PM  
Blogger Bill M said...


January 06, 2009 1:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wigglies....need more wigglies

January 06, 2009 5:16 PM  
Blogger iTripped said...

no more epileptic-inducing wigglies! save the epileptics!

(but bring on the comedy wigglies - remember the earthquate society?)

((and more bill killed please. can't have enough of the bill killing))

January 06, 2009 5:24 PM  
Blogger Yvette said...

no more wigglies! and no more dog drool! that's exploitation.

January 07, 2009 6:03 PM  

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