she mostly hates me

beef stew, rice and a sub
from: Au Petit Cafe
price: not sure.
rating: &&&&.5/&&&&&
listening to: Tricky
comments: today, yvette had a craving for Au Petit Cafe's beef stew. that meant she'd be driving up to 33rd n main to get it. yay! a different lunch place! and the vietnamese subs are reputed to be the best in the city there. it was very good. so was the simple beef stew. it was a lot of food for me, but I had to try both. click to see louise a wigglin.
and yvette had:

the beef stew
comments: click to see a wiggly that makes no sense. or, don't click. it's not really that good, anyway.
and tommy had:

a sandwich
comments: click to see neil on the rooftop. again, makes no sense. this new camera does weird stuff. weird. like you.
Labels: beef stew, vietnamese subs
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