E. Honda's the one. who'll get the job done. stop M Bison. save civilization.
prime rib burger
from: The Whip
price: free!!!
listening to: still the street fighter rock opera by Man Factory.
comments: tony bought me lunch today to return a favour. nice. good lunch. the burger woulda got 5 &'s had they not charred it a little. other than that, it was a fine fine burger. click to see something you don't see everyday.
and tony had:
a real turkey sandwich
comments: supposedly this was good food, too. click to see what I think all restaurants with ATMs should do. yeah, you use the ATM, you get $1 off your food. smart. although, when the waitress told us you can only use 1 of those per table, I informed her that the wording should be changed from "one coupon per order" to "one coupon per table". QA in tha hizzie! I just got a scowl for my remark. don't these people understand the importance of concise wording?!
and bill was killed by:
a veggie burger
comments: yeah, that's right, bill was killed again. I'm starting to think this may be a recurring theme on this blog.
Labels: burgers n brew
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