I'm a model, you know what I mean

green curry
from: Pad Thai
price: $7 (including mealextreme's 75 cent cut)
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
listening to: right sed fred
comments: some days, I barely have 1 photo to link to. then there's days like today. I get home and have to figure out which of the 70+ photos will get put on the blog. yikes. click to see nikita very tired after kevin ran her 6k.
and sumant had:

cashew chicken?
comments: click sumant's lunch to see the city all wiggly. many of you locals may have noticed the carazy weather we had today. I saw huge lightning forks, but was unable to capture them. bah. but I still took lots o pics. like this city hall one. or this sunset one, or clouds or vancity. yeah. so much giffy goodness.
AND here's a special bonus video of a model we saw posing in the alley behind the office:
Labels: thai food
ooops. somethingn went funny in mah video. maybe I'll fix it in the future and uplaod it again. so yes, the last 1/2 of the vid is a black screen. I know. :(
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