the great burrito comparison

mondo super pork burrito
from: taco del mar (granville edition)
price: $7.83
comments: today, the line at the taco del mar was too long for us. so 3 of use walked the 3 blocks to the Granville TDM. and what I learned overall? they're the same. although, we did get back to our office faster than the group that stayed in line at harbour centre. so, if the line up reaches the bank machine.. you're better off to walk to granville. or just eat elsewhere. now click the pic to see the video I made doing tutorials for some video programs I decided to learn.
and everyone had:

comments: click this pic to see how well the OS installer works on one of my work machines. argh!
waldo's in the car video. whooo!
14.5 points for kylee.
nice work.
kyky is incorrect.
Waldo supplied the audio portion of the video. Much talent in that.
but kykykyky is correct.
however, mysterious david, you are, too. 10 points to you.
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