greetings from our nation's capitol

the spartacat beef burger with fries, onion rings, and a shake
from: The Works
price: $20ish
rating: &&&&&/&&&&&
comments: Wow. this place is crazy. it turns out that Ben is a bit of a regular lunchatthevillage reader. and when he heard I was coming to visit him and Allison, he planned exactly where he would take us to lunch. and it was a great choice! just look at this crazy menu!!! We started off with drinks and onion rings. Both of which were served in unique ways. a tower of onion rings with delicious dipping sauces, and 1/2 litre measuring cups full of shake, water, icy fruit drinks, etc. Then to the burgers. I tell ya, I couldn't finish all my food. I ate till I burst! then we all went swimming and jumped off a covered brigde. wheeeeee!
and Ben had:

fire station #6 burger with onion rings and sweet potato string fries
price: $15ish?
from: the Works
rating: &&&&/&&&&&
comments: I guess Ben and Allison have had this before, so it wasn't quite the novelty that it was for me. therefore a slightly lower rating. Also, Ben said that he didn't make the best choice with his burger. a burger full of jalepenos is not suggested when it's super hot and muggy outside. Allison also said that they went a little too far. like it's cute to have shakes in measuring cups, but coffee?? that was a little over the top. but then she started drinking for the spout and realized it wasn't so bad. heehee. overall, her suggestion for future visits to the Works: onion rings, a milshake, and split a burger (or get the burger without the side) it's just too much food for normal humans.
thanks again Ben and Alli!!! we had a great time in our nation's capitol!!
Do I see Erin behind drinks and you behind onion rings there? w e e n
Is that a measuring cup full of vodka? "measuringcupofvodka"... that will be my new name. weezer.
it's actually water, but if I go there again, I should order a vodka and see how they bring it to me. gwar.
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